Joguines òptiques precursores del cinema

Joguines òptiques precursores del cinema sara lópez giménez,georgiana arcaleanu,raquel motos pérez,gerard bravo tello institut el cairat – esparreguera Our project is about the construction of some of the first cinema devices that shaped its origin. The illusion...

Investiguem fenòmens de la foscor

Investiguem fenòmens de la foscor albert vidal cáceres, Pau asensi arranz, albert gordo martínez,gerard oller garcía,jordi rubio alas INS Salvador dalí – el prat de llobregat What is the speed of darkness? To know what is the speed of the darkness, first we must...

El mite de la persistència retinal

El mite de la persistència retinal elsa martín pascual,nerea serrano garcía,marta ochando salgado,maria sicilia pont institut el cairat – esparreguera With the thread Physics behind the beginnings of cinema, our project steps into the theory of retinal...

Can photonics detect and prevent pollution?

Can photonics detect and prevent pollution? manel martinez rubio, marta hubach coromina escola pia – olot Nowadays, the air pollution is one of the most important problems in the planet. The humans pollute, but we aren’t doing anything for analyzing the...

Fotografía artística nocturna de la luz en movimiento

Fotografía artística nocturna de la luz en movimiento M. teresa ramos garcía jesuïtes bellvitge Joan XXIII – l’hospitalet de llobregat Astrophotography is a branch of photography whose function is to capture astronomical objects and astronomical phenomena....