Be an ICFOnian for a day is a new outreach program at ICFO directed to women in STEM studies.
It consists of four events that give the students the opportunity to get to know ICFO and the life of a researcher, create a professional network and get a glimpse of their future career perspectives.
September 29, 2022 – ICFO (CASTELLDEFELS) – Blue Lecture Room
Welcome words by Silvia Carrasco, Head of the KTT Unit.
About Be an ICFOnian for a day by Lydia Sanmartí-Vila, Outreach coordinator.
Introduction to ICFO by Giovanna Petrillo, Academic Affairs.
Networking coffee 1
ICFO Decide Game by Federica Beduini, Outreach team.
Group picture
Networking Coffee 2 with Group Leaders and researchers from ICFO.
Closing remarks by Lisa Saemisch, Outreach team.
Click on + for more information

Silvia Carrasco

Lydia Sanmartí-Vila
Dr. Lydia Sanmartí-Vila is KTT Outreach Coordinator at ICFO. She is ECOP’s Executive Officer, where she coordinates the pursuit of new projects for ECOP to encourage collaboration among the centres. She manages ICFO’s international outreach projects and activities, such as the current ICFO-coordinated project CARLA and the CSA of the Quantum Flagship as well as past projects such as GoPhoton!, LIGHT2015, PHABLABS 4.0. She is the creator of the LIGHTtalks events, which were replicated in over 20 countries in Europe between 2015 and 2017. Lydia has a degree in chemistry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a doctorate in neurobiology from the Otto von Guericke University in Germany, and has extensive international experience.

Giovanna Petrillo
She currently works as Academic Affairs Officer at ICFO, managing the Plus+ training and career development program for students and researchers, as well as the International Schools on the Frontiers of Light.

Federica Beduini
Federica Beduini obtained her PhD in Photonics with a project on experimental quantum physics at ICFO. Since 2015, she has been part of ICFO’s outreach team.
She is currently coordinating the citizen science experiments, like the BIG Bell Test and NightUp, and the outreach activities directed to the general public and schools, such as the Young Photonics Congress.

Lisa Saemisch

This activity is co-funded by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) allocated to the Programa operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020, with the support of the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca of the Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement of the Generalitat de Catalunya for emerging technology clusters devoted to the valorization and transfer of research results (QuantumCAT 001-P-001644 and GraphCAT 001-P-001702).