Collaborative projects
Teaming up to go further
ICFO teams up at the local and international levels with organizations, museums, projects, science festivals and events to multiply dissemination and innovation
If you would like to team up or simply know more about ICFO outreach, please get in touch!
Collaborative projects
Teaming up to go further
ICFO teams up at the local and international levels with organizations, museums, projects, science festivals and events to multiply dissemination and innovation
If you would like to team up or simply know more about ICFO outreach, please get in touch!

ICFO founded and is currently coordinating ECOP (European Centres for Outreach in Photonics), an alliance committed to create long-term partnerships for enhanced engagement in Photonics outreach.
An ECOP Initiative, coordinated by ICFO
A H2020 EU-funded project developing a model for inclusive pan-European career camps of excellence around the opportunities and multidisciplinary dimensions of photonics.
A H2020 EU-funded project developing a model for inclusive pan-European career camps of excellence around the opportunities and multidisciplinary dimensions of photonics.
Talks. Workshops. Networking.
Quantum Flagship
An initiative of the European Union with a 1b€ budget funded by the European Commission that supports large-scale and long-term research and innovation quantum technology projects, incluing a coordination and support project in which ICFO leads and cooridnates the outreach and communications actions of the Quantum Flagship.
Audiovisual materials. Industry events.
A H2020 project with the participation of ECOP (VUB, ICFO, NUIG and MBI/FBH)Based on combining the World of Photonics with the growing creative ecosystem of existing Fab LabsEncompasses the development of Photonics Workshops, Photonics Challenger projects and Photonics Toolkits to be carried out and used in Fab labs.
Photonics Workshops, Photonics Challenger, Photonics Toolkits.
An ECOP Initiative, coordinated by ICFO
A Pan-European outreach project funded by the FP7 program
More than 165 activities with almost 450,000 participants
A Pan-European outreach project funded by the FP7 program
More than 165 activities with almost 450,000 participants
Opening Events, Photonic show, Light on the waves, Girls, Boys & Photonics, Photonics Innovator, LIGHTtalks, Photonics Apps, Photonics Exhibitions, Photonic Magic Show, Photonics Explorer, Light Painting, Laboratory Visits, Open Days.
LIGHT2015 – The International Year of Light in Europe 2015
A H2020 project led by the EPS with the participation of ECOPPromotion of the importance of photonics within the framework of the IYL2015More than 65 activities with more than 5,000 participants.
LIGHTtalks industry, LIGHTtalks entrepreneurs, LIGHTtalks careers, iSPEX, LIGHT2015 award, Photonics Explorer, Opening Ceremony, Networking event.
IYL2015 – International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015
The United Nations General Assembly 68th Session proclaimed 2015 as the IYL2015ECOP is one of the scientific foundersECOP’s activities during 2015 were supporting this program.