Citizen Science
Scientific projects that require
the participation of people
ICFO encourages society to be part of the scientific community through scientific experiments that require the participation of citizens, raising awareness in an engaging way and allowing everybody to meaningfully contribute to scientific research.
ICFO organizes workshops and talks for teachers and schools to help integrate this type of activity into the classroom.
For more information on future events like these, stay tuned through our page on Upcoming Events.

NightUp Castelldefels
A collaborative experiment to investigate the importance of color in light pollution
Not being able to see the stars is just one of the many other consequences of light pollution: changes in ecosystems, wasted energy, effects on our health, etc. The color of artificial light at night is one of the factors that affects any sort of living beings, from plants and animals, to humans.
With NightUp Castelldefels, volunteers equipped only with their own smartphones collected more than 1000 photos that helped scientists to build a color map of artificial light of Castelldefels, showing a reliable and cost-effective method to collect scientific data about colours in light pollution.
The big bell test
Worldwide physics experiments powered by human randomness
ICFO also created and organized The Big Bell Test, which enabled citizen participation in a series of cutting-edge quantum physics experiments that took place on 30 November 2016. These experiments tested the laws of quantum physics, requiring the help of the largest possible number of people. As a result, more than 100,000 people participated in the BIG Bell Test, completing more than half a million times the levels of the video game created to facilitate participation, generating more than 90 million bits, a number that tripled the initial expectations of the scientific team leading the project.
BCN Respira
BCN Respira took place in September 2015 that sought to promote the understanding of the properties and behaviour of aerosols in the atmosphere as well as their effects on the environment, involving Barcelona’s citizens in a scientific experiment using their smartphones and light. This initiative was part of the European H2020 project LIGHT2015. Almost 500 measurements were taken in Barcelona, engaging hundreds of citizens.
tech & science bits
Discover new career opportunities in cutting-edge science and technology fields
photonics in 5 minutes!
Engaging talks and informal conversations with the people working in cutting-edge research.
Resources for teachers
ICFO generates materials for educators and participates in European projects that generate resources for teachers. Explore and use these resources to bring science and technology to the classroom with an original approach. These material are designed (with some...
Young Photonics Congress
A scientific meeting point for young students ICFO annually organizes the Young Photonics Congress, a meeting point for young students that makes them live the experience of a scientific congress where the spotlight is on them. Students can explain their work to other...
Lifelong Learning for Teachers
From the lab to your classroom As ICFO, we collaborate with the program “Professors i ciència” from the “Fundació Catalunya la Pedrera”. We have offered several training courses addressed to high school teachers. In these courses we expect to bring the physics of...
Books and stories
Creating publications for different audiences ICFO reaches out to all ages through books and other publications that aim at immersing readers in the fascinating world of photonics. FROM THE BIG BANG TO LASER EXPLORERS IN SPACE lluminado and Lucilda is a series...
Science through other disciplines ICFO creates multidisciplinary contests that encourage participants to get inmersed in the fascinating world of science and photonics through literature, music and the audiovisual arts. Light on the Waves integrates science,...
Big events
ICFO organizes high-visibility events linked to major occasions In the framework of large public events, ICFO creates cultural and artistic events that combine science, literature, light, music or other cultural elements open to society at large to bring photonics...