PHABLABS: Workshops and Challenger Projects
October 2017 – May 2019
PHABLABS 4.0 is a European project in which ICFO participates. We collaborate with digital fabrication spaces such as makerlabs (fab labs) to promote the use of photonics components and technologies in these spaces.
With this objective, ICFO has created three workshops in which participants will learn about digital production methods and photonics, and will build their own gadget. Each workshop is customized to three different target ages: 10-14 years old, 14-18 years old and 18-25 years old. The workshops will be implemented in the makerlabs Tinkerers Lab (in Castelldefels) and Fab Lab Barcelona.
We have also created a challenge directed to the 14-18 years old (can be used as first research project) and the 18-25 years old that will integrate photonics and digital production technologies.
The workshops are one morning long and will take place during the week in October in the fab labs. The challenge will be launched in October/November with training sessions, and participants will have several months, a budget and access to the fab labs to solve it.
Participation in the workshops and challenge is free and the available participation slots is limited. While the workshops are already fully booked, we still have some availability for the challenges.
If you are interested in participating or would like that your students participate, write us an e-mail to

08860 Castelldefels
Fab Lab Barcelona
Institut d´arquitectura avançada de Catalunya
C/Pujades 102 baixos.
Poble Nou, Barcelona 08005 España
LOCATION – Fab Lab Barcelona
Institut d´arquitectura avançada de Catalunya
C/Pujades 102 baixos.
Poble Nou, Barcelona 08005 España
A Fab Lab (or fabrication laboratory) is a small-scale workshop for personal digital fabrication, equipped with an array of flexible computer controlled tools and various materials, with the aim to make “almost anything”.