ICFO Decide Game
online session – 2 hours
The activity will be completely online: make sure that each student has a device connected to the internet to be able to access the material needed for the activity.
connection with icfo
We will be available fifteen minutes before the activity at the link provided to check that everything is working properly. If you think you need to take a test a few days in advance, please contact us.
We recommend to connect on time, so that can complete all the phases of the activity with no hurry.
We will start the activity by presenting the aim of the activity and the different phases to the participants.
The participants will be able to ask questions at any time via chat.
phase 1: story cards
10 minutes
We’ll divide the students into groups of 4/6 people and send them to virtual rooms so they can discuss freely without disturbing the other groups. We will have access to the chats of each room: there we will post the links so that the participants can access the cards for the activities.
Each participant has a different link and has access to different information. Participants read the cards from the first section: Story Cards. Each participant chooses the card they find most interesting and explains it it to the rest of the group.

phase 2: info cards
15 minutes
At the beginning of the second phase, we gather the participants in the main room to give instructions for the next phase and then send them back to the rooms so they can discuss in groups.
Participants read the cards in the second section: Info Cards. Each participant chooses the two cards they find most interesting and discusses them with the rest of the group.

phase 3: thinking cards
10 minutes
At the beginning of the third phase, we gather the participants in the main room to give instructions for the next phase and then send them back to the rooms so that they can discuss in groups.
Participants read the cards in the third section: Thinking Cards. Each participant chooses the card they find most interesting and comments on it to the rest of the group.

phase 4: meet the expert
20 minutes
At the beginning of the fourth phase, we gather the participants in the main room. A scientist working at ICFO connects with the group, introduces himself/herself, explains his/her work and answers the participants’ questions.

phase 5: decision
15 minutes
We present the final options. We send each group to its virtual room to agree on which option they prefer. Each group will have 2 minutes to present their decision during the following phase.

phase 6: share your opinion
20 minutes
Each group shares its decision with the rest of the participants.

We will end the session by showing some ICFO images and presenting some activities of interest to the participants.
We encourage you to complete the evaluation questionnaires below so that we can continue to improve.
If you liked the ICFO Decide Game we encourage you to share your experience on social media by tagging @ICFOnians and using the hashtag #ICFOoutreach.